CFITrainer.Net Podcast

The IAAI and CFITrainer.Net present these podcasts with a focus on issues relating to fire investigation. With expertise from around the world, the International Association of Arson Investigators produces these podcasts to bring more information and electronic media to fire investigators looking for training, education and general information about fire investigation. Topics include recent technologies, issues in the news, training opportunities, changes in laws and standards and any other topic that might be of interest to a fire investigator or industry professional affected by fire. Information is presented using a combination of original stories and interviews with scientists, leaders in fire investigation from the fire service and the law enforcement community.

Welcome to the IAAI’s April 2012 CFITrainer.Net. Today, we’ll be interviewing Chief Ernest Mitchell, Jr., the US Fire Administrator, and also giving you an update on the upcoming ATC, or Annual Training Conference, from the IAAI about to happen in Dover, Delaware. Let’s get on to the interviewer with Chief Ernest Mitchell, Jr., the US Fire Administrator. Prior to joining the USFA, Chief Mitchell retired as the Fire Chief and Assistant Director of Disaster Emergency Services for the City of Pasadena, California Fire Department after 33 years in the fire service. He’s an executive board member of the International Fire Service Training Association and an active member and Past President of the International Association of Fire Chiefs. Chief Mitchell, welcome to the podcast.

CHIEF MITCHELL: Well, thank you.

ROD: So, what are the major issues facing the fire service today?

CHIEF MITCHELL: You know, there are many issues facing the fire service today, and I’ve had an opportunity to know many fire chiefs and talk with them around the country, so I do recognize there’s this variety of priorities and demands on fire and emergency medical services in their local communities, but the major issues that seem to be most prevalent are, of course, related to economics and the budgets today, and that would be typically resources or a lack thereof that is also further complicated by the changing expectations and demands of communities, and most departments are facing service reductions and they’re going through ongoing difficulties and maintaining a high quality of service delivery. Those things, maintaining service levels, staying abreast of the changes that technology creates, that may create new fire problems. We’re also seeing increased fire losses as a result of expanded home building and wild and urban interfaces.

As we’ve seen before during down economic times, there is that challenge to reduce training and fire prevention efforts when we evaluate service delivery cuts. We know also that there are changes and challenges on the horizon such as being prepared for the impact of the aging baby boomers on EMS and potentially fires as their capabilities diminish and living arrangements change based on their elderly status. So, there just are so many things facing us today that we much focus on.

ROD: Yeah, and I can appreciate that, and I know this is a tough audience that’s got a lot of demands on it, and I appreciate you qualifying at the beginning - you know, I make it sound so easy - what are the major issues facing the fire services, it’s a pretty big question.

CHIEF MITCHELL: You know what? I just hate to leave someone’s out. I know there are others.

ROD: So, in light of the issues that are out there, can you share with the podcast audience your focus and goals for the US Fire Administration today?

CHIEF MITCHELL: We focus on the USFA mission and FEMA’s mission. We have what we traditionally refer to as the four stars of the US Fire Administration and they keep us in alignment with that mission. The stars are supported by our five primary goals, and they are to reduce - reduce risk at the local level through prevention and mitigation, to improve local planning and preparedness, to improve the fire and emergency services capability for response to and recovery from all hazards, to improve the fire and emergency services professional status and to lead the nation’s fire and emergency services by establishing and sustaining the US Fire Administration as a dynamic organization, and then those goals, those five primary goals are met through multiple objectives and activities that are contained in the strategic plan.

What I have asked that we do here though at USFA is to focus on evaluating civilian fire deaths and injuries, to dig deeply into the data and analyze it to see if there’s a way we can increase our effectiveness and reducing those losses by focusing on certain conditions that we might find or groups or locations or any other factors, and I’ve looked at that death rate, civilian death rate, and we need to see what we can do to further move the bar and reduce those deaths and injuries. So, that’s one of the primary focuses that I’ve brought in and also to emphasize the importance of continuing our focus on reducing preventable firefighter line of duty deaths. It’s actually exciting and encouraging that we’ve done better in the past three years. We absolutely must not let up, and I believe it’s incumbent on the leadership in the fire service to continue emphasizing safety. Then we must address the largest cause of firefighter death, line of duty deaths, and those are heart and respiratory events and casualties, and that’s going to take a lot of leadership support, but also individual responsibility on the part of the members in the fire service.

ROD: Big goals and a lot of objectives, and wow, a big job and a lot of - big shoes to fill there. So, in your past duties you were involved in fire investigation, and most of our audience is focused in the fire investigation area. We’ve got probably over 40,000 some folks now. We’ve got about 46,000 registered users. I’m wondering how your experience in the background, you know, being a fire investigator changes or informs your vision for the USFA.

CHIEF MITCHELL: I believe that my experience as an investigator helped me by giving me a well-rounded perspective on the importance of balance in our fire service operations and in all of our planning and in our service delivery, and it’s important for a fire department to fulfill all of the functions needed by the community it serves, and that means more than fire and more than EMS. So, I’d say in arson also I gained an increased appreciation for the value of specialized training, the application of science and technology and gathering data and evidence. It was very important to participate in a network of people with similar responsibilities and needs and to stay current, and so overall I think that experience has contributed to me keeping an open mind and being solution oriented and stressing the importance of working with others as partners.

ROD: So, some of this sounds common sense, but I often find that people lack to talk about the tie between fire investigation and fire prevention and you spoke about, you know, we want to make it safer out there for our communities, we want to reduce the number of firefighter fatalities. How do you think fire investigation - how would you sum that up as fire investigation’s importance in that role?

CHIEF MITCHELL: I think fire investigation gives us a lot of insight into the causes. You know, it’s our primary means of getting insight into the cause of fires, which then leads to better preventive - prevention methods, procedures, it leads to more accurate data so that we might better develop programs. So I just think it’s an essential and without accurate investigation. We will not have accurate data about fire cause.

ROD: I think it’s well said, and I, again, it seems like common sense when we talk about it in the fire services, but oftentimes I’ll hear people only talk about fire investigation tied to arson and I think you said it well. Thank you. So, local, state and federal budget cuts are hitting the public sector, you mentioned it earlier, and private sector, and fire investigator positions are being eliminated, training budgets are strained. So what role can the USFA play in supporting fire investigators, their jobs, training, especially, as you had mentioned, the forensic science. You know, the work of fire investigators continues to be scrutinized. So what do you think the USFA can do about that?

CHIEF MITCHELL: We do provide a variety, I think about seven courses related to fire investigation, through the National Fire Academy. We have been in partnership with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms and Explosives since 2007 and jointly funded numerous classes, and we’ve partnered in the development of a forensic evidence collection course with the support of ATF and your organization to focus on the identification and processing of non-traditional arson evidence such as DNA, trace evidence and digital evidence. And so, those things, those various courses and even our online training courses that we have partnered with your organization again to deliver, we will continue to seek ways to make training available that will enhance the skillset of the investigators, and we know that that comes - that training comes at a cost, and so we are just exploring ways to get that done as efficiently as we can.

ROD: I appreciate you saying something about the IAAI and boy, I think everybody really appreciates the support that the USFA has given to the IAAI and CFITrainer.

CHIEF MITCHELL: Well, the IAAI and the ATF and the USFA partnership really is essential to our continued success I believe, and one of the things I’ve been finding in my own experience is that if there’s any plus side to diminishing dollars is that we do seem to seek to work closer and better with others, and many times that yields dividends and I think the course work that we’ve able to do and working with IAAI and ATF has really benefited all three organizations and the fire service overall.

ROD: Yeah, I can tell you that as a person who’s been around and watching it for the past ten years, the partnership’s work together has been phenomenal, and the leadership over at NFA and ATF, so all very grateful. How can the fire investigation side of the fire service better partner with, and you had mentioned it a little bit earlier, with the fire suppression side to meet the needs of communities that we serve - or that you serve.

CHIEF MITCHELL: I was fortunate to go in Fire Prevention Bureau early in my career and then get a different perspective. I think that what I saw was when relationships are built between the operations side, the first responders and the investigators and it just increases those outputs because there’s some trust that develops and there’s a respect for what you do. You know, I would just encourage more interaction, reinforcing the importance of preserving evidence and getting the first responders to call an investigator early into the incident. A lot of that is just that the first responders need to understand their role and the importance of their role in preserving evidence in working with the investigators, and that even though they may not suspect its arson, they really can contribute to a scene preservation that allows to a more accurate determination of cause, and just that cause investigation is also very, very important. So, overall I think that investigation community as a whole needs to reach out to the fire service folks and seek to work with them and get with them, but I think just by developing relationships they’ll get better cooperation.

ROD: I love hearing you talk about the relationships because I’ve seen it happen, and I think sometimes people talk about it but they don’t go, wow, you know what? I should actually get up off my seat and walk over and go to talk to some of these people, whether it’s in law enforcement or fire services before the scene, and it’s happening and you can see it. I think you’re mentioning it.

CHIEF MITCHELL: Oh, absolutely. It’s like you get to know people and you get to know them as people, and there was - there’s that old saying that if you want someone to care about what you do, then you first need to show them you care about what they do. And I think that - and of course that works both ways, but usually we - when we’re doing investigation work, we need their assistance right up front, and so it’s important to develop a relationship.

ROD: Wonderful. Thank you. So, we’ll wrap up now with I think what I would like to be a personal message to the individual fire investigators or those that are out there in the fire investigation community, what can they do as individuals to be part of this effort to improve fire investigation?

CHIEF MITCHELL: Of course, they can continue to develop their own skills and then assess what they can personally do to make a difference where they are working. Get to know those first responders with whom they work, offer them training and essential skills. I know when I first heard from investigators about what they needed us to do. It was kind of a distant thing that I didn’t quite understand. When I did it for a while and then came back out to operations and worked with folks and had the discussion, they received it at a different level and in a different way just because of our relationship, but I think to let them know how valuable their effort is that they can be eyes and ears for the fire investigators and that the more they know and the more they know about our procedures, methods such as things like identifying witnesses, preserving and protecting evidence, properly documenting the scene, then there’s a better chance that fires of both incendiary and accidental origin can be identified, investigated, prosecuted. That could lead to fewer fires, and in these times of financial constraints, I’m reminded of what someone I admired for many years, John Wooden said. He says don’t let what you can’t do get in the way of what you can do. I try to remember that because these are times where we just have to maintain focus, keep striving to do the best that we personally can do, and I do believe that these - the economic side will come back around. I think hard work and continuous effort will be rewarded and I would encourage the investigators to keep that up.

ROD: Well, I really appreciate and I know that our audience appreciates you being with us today Chief Mitchell. So, thanks very much to the Chief of the United States Fire Administration. We really appreciate the support and especially your time to talk to us here at the IAAI on CFITrainer.Net.

All right, guys and gals, you wanted a little bit of an update on the Annual Training Conference coming up for the IAAI. It’s in Dover, Delaware and it’s starting in less than two weeks. You need to go to, click on the link and find out about what’s going on. There is close to 120 credit hours of education and training that’s available to you as a fire investigator. If you work real hard, I think you can take about 36 of those hours, and when you get done at the end of the day, you may find yourself networking or rapping with some of the experts that teach the courses or some of the other folks that you know from around the world that have come to join us at the IAAI at the ATC.

One of the things I wanted to make a note, and I heard a couple of people say oh, the drive from Philly is long or it’s an hour to get down there. Well, you know what - I drove it the other day. We were headed down there for a scout because we’re going to be doing some interviews for CFITrainer related to a couple of new modules that are going to be happening. They’re video interviews. We’re also going to be doing some radio style interviews for the podcast coming up with people like you and others, but as we went down there, I was like, wow, this drive is actually pretty nice. It’s like taking a four lane down to the beach and that was the feeling that I got when I did the ride. It was real nice. When I got down there, I was greeted by a hotel that’s got plenty of room and it’s sort of funky. I don’t know how many places you go to where there’s a racetrack for horses surrounded by a racetrack for cars. So, it’s sort of a cool place to take a look at and get to know. There are going to be tours around that track. Jamie Novak’s going to be burning some - I don’t know what he’s burning, but Jamie Novak is going to be actually doing some live burns for people, and I think they’ll be happening out near one of the tracks. There’s going to be a lot going on folks.

There’s also going to be a chapter hospitality event going on down there. A lot of the chapters got together and wrangled some of the folks from New Orleans into making some of their gumbo. I understand in the past this was a big hit. So, for folks that want to get together with a lot of the chapters from around the US and around the globe, you can hang out with some of them and eat some good gumbo from New Orleans.

Investigator of the Year is also going to be announced at the dinner and there will be interviews again with you and other experts from around the world that we’ll be doing here from CFITrainer.Net. So, here’s the bottom line. In about a week and a half, two weeks, I want you to turn off your computers and phones for a while and head down to the ATC in Dover, Delaware. I think what you’ll find out is that there’s a whole lot of business to be done down there, and it’s good to see your folks that are in fire investigation with you.

Just an FYI for some of the things you are doing on the computer. The International Association of Arson Investigators LinkedIn page has gotten quite active. There’s also a Facebook page for the International Association. Check them both out and like them or join them or get involved in one of the many groups or conversations going on there.

One other note that I just wanted to make; we are looking for people to help us with alternative funding for CFITrainer, and here’s the deal. It takes quite a bit of money to generate good content that you folks are used to seeing. So what we’re doing is we’ve got partnerships with a lot of different associations, we’re still looking for grants through the International Association of Arson Investigators, reaching to the USFA and others, but we’re also looking for other ways to sustain the network as you know it. So, if you have ideas or ideas for partnerships, ideas for partnerships with state, local, federal organizations, we’re looking to continue to grow those. If you have ideas for sponsors or people who you think might provide some funding because they’d like some visibility on the network, we’d also like you to reach out, click on the email link somewhere on this page and send us an email and let us know who you think might be a good idea to contact. Or you can just pick up the phone and the call the IAAI office and say hey, you know what, I was listening to the podcast, I know you folks are interested in some people for sponsorship, have you ever thought about contacting and give us a name, give us a company, whoever you might think about. We appreciate that kind of feedback. I mean, you are the people who are involved in fire investigation. We should be listening to what you think. That’s about it for this April podcast. Hoping to see you down in Dover Downs, Dover, Delaware, a place that really embraces the fire industry, in about a week and a half. So for CFITrainer, the International Association of Arson Investigators, I’m Rod Ammon.

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January 2020 - January '20 IAAI & CFITrainer Fire Investigator Podcasts. This month’s podcast gives you updates on Australia’s wild fires and an investigation and arrest tied to a large New Jersey fire. We also talk with Zach McCune from Rolfe’s Henry about a case study and course that he and Shane Otto will be leading at ITC this year. Zach talks about an arson fraud case and how spoofing and masking technologies were used to frame an innocent mother and perpetuate an arson fraud.
December 2019 - December '19 IAAI & CFITrainer Fire Investigator Podcasts. In under ten minutes this podcast offers a review of 2019 milestones and new content and features that you might have missed. We also give you a quick preview of what to expect in 2020.
November 2019 Podcast - November '19 IAAI & CFITrainer Fire Investigator Podcasts. This month we learn about two new technology solutions being studied for fire investigation and then we visit with Lester Rich from the National Fire Academy
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April 2019 Podcast - April '19 IAAI & CFITrainer Fire Investigator Podcasts. There are two new additions to CFITrainer.Net! A new podcast with Dan Madrzykowski from UL speaking about ventilation and Fire Flow, and a new module called “Fire Flow Analysis”.
March 2019 Podcast - March '19 IAAI & CFITrainer Fire Investigator Podcasts. This month's podcast includes updates from the IAAI related to the election, the upcoming ITC, and a new website specifically about evidence collection. After the updates, you will also hear some news stories related to fire investigation.
February 2019 Podcast - February '19 IAAI & CFITrainer Fire Investigator Podcasts. This month take 10 mins and hear some fire investigation and IAAI news.
January 2019 Podcast - January '19 IAAI & CFITrainer Fire Investigator Podcasts. This month we’re looking back on some of the biggest issues in fire investigation in 2018.
November 2018 Podcast - November '18 IAAI & CFITrainer Fire Investigator Podcasts. This month we talk with Jeff Pauley from the IAAI’s Health and Safety Committee. Jeff is an IAAI-CFI and the Chairman of the Health and Safety Committee. In this podcast, he talks about ways to reduce exposure to carcinogens related to fire investigation. By listening, you will learn about ways to reduce your risks, learn about new resources that are available to assist you, and research that is coming soon.
October 2018 Podcast - October '18 IAAI & CFITrainer Fire Investigator Podcasts. This month meet and learn about IAAI’s new Executive Director, Scott Stephens and plans for the future. After that interview, hear some wild stories from the national news related to fire investigation.
September 2018 News Roundup - September '18 IAAI & CFITrainer Fire Investigator Podcasts.
Short stories related to fire investigation - June '18 IAAI & CFITrainer Fire Investigator Podcasts. Join us for a brief Podcast that includes five minutes of short stories related to fire investigation.
What you need to know about Arson Awareness week - April '18 IAAI & CFITrainer Fire Investigator Podcasts. This month we welcome Tonya Hoover, the Superintendent of the National Fire Academy. Superintendent Hoover came to the NFA with more than 20 years of experience in local and state government, most recently as the California State Fire Marshal.
Growing pot and earning Bitcoin can start fires? - March '18 IAAI & CFITrainer Fire Investigator Podcasts. In this month’s podcast, hear a story about how the Bitcoin business might be causing fires? What similarities are there between Pot growers and now Bitcoin miners?
Training related to wildland fire investigation - February '18 IAAI & CFITrainer Fire Investigator Podcasts. This month’s podcast highlights new training related to wildland fire investigation featuring an interview with Paul Way, and this year’s International Training Conference. We also have a pretty wild story before we wrap up. Birds starting fires?
Smart homes and digital data gathering issues - December '17 IAAI & CFITrainer Fire Investigator Podcasts. In this podcast, we discuss two topics on the technology and forensics cutting edge. Michael Custer of Kilgore Engineering, Inc. and retired Special Agent Tully Kessler share some knowledge and give us a taste of the classes that they will be presenting at ITC 2018.
Discussion with Writer Monica Hesse - September '17 IAAI & CFITrainer Fire Investigator Podcasts. In this podcast, you will hear some great news related to the IAAI and CFITrainer.Net and then we have an interview with Monica Hesse, the writer of a new book called "American Fire: Love, Arson, and Life in a Vanishing Land."
Discussion with Criminalist- John DeHaan - June '17 IAAI & CFITrainer Fire Investigator Podcasts. This month on the CFITrainer.Net podcast, we talk to Criminalist, fire investigation expert and Author of "Kirk’s Fire Investigation", John DeHaan.
The Ghost Ship - May '17 IAAI & CFITrainer Fire Investigator Podcasts. For this podcast, we hear from a retired Captain of the Long Beach Fire Department, Pat Wills. Pat has been in the fire service for 37 years. He has been a leader and an investigator, now he is an educator speaking around the country about the importance of code enforcement.
Fast Podcast about ITC! - March '17 IAAI & CFITrainer Fire Investigator Podcasts. This month we talk to David Bridges about what to expect at ITC and the training you won’t want to miss.
CFITrainer Podcast- A profile with an IAAI-CFI® - February '17 IAAI & CFITrainer Fire Investigator Podcasts. Join us this month for our podcast as we interview IAAI member and CFI, Jeff Spaulding from Middletown, Ohio. Jeff talks about his work in both the public and private sector and then he shares an interesting story about how a pacemaker is helping in an investigation.
An interview with Dr. James Quintiere - December '16 IAAI & CFITrainer Fire Investigator Podcasts. In a discussion with Dr. James Quintiere, we learn about some of his work in fire sciences, a bit about his research, his opinions related to the World Trade Center investigation and what he thinks is important to fire investigation as a scholarly leader in our field.
Fire Investigation After the Flood Podcast - November '16 IAAI & CFITrainer Fire Investigator Podcasts. This month we talk to Dan Hebert, an IAAI, CFI about "How Floods affect Fire Investigation."
September 2016 CFITrainer.Net Podcast - September '16 IAAI & CFITrainer Fire Investigator Podcasts. This month we talk about the recent changes in the FAA's regulations for commercial and public sector use of UAS or "Drones".
August 2016 CFITrainer.Net Podcast - August '16 IAAI & CFITrainer Fire Investigator Podcasts. This month we talk to Jessica Gotthold about the Seaside Heights fire in NJ from 2013
July 2016 CFITrainer.Net Podcast - July '16 IAAI & CFITrainer Fire Investigator Podcasts. This month we talk to Fire Marshall, Ken Helms of the Enid, OK. Fire Department about his team winning the Fire Investigator of the Year award.
March 2016 CFITrainer.Net Podcast - March '16 IAAI & CFITrainer Fire Investigator Podcasts. This month's fire investigation podcast from the IAAI's CFITrainer.Net focuses on the Youth Firesetting Information Repository and Evaluation System, which is called YFIRES for short.
February 2016 CFITrainer.Net Podcast - February '16 IAAI & CFITrainer Fire Investigator Podcasts. This month's fire investigation podcast from the IAAI's CFITrainer.Net focuses on what you need to do to ensure the integrity of samples sent to the lab. A conversation with Laurel Mason of Analytical Forensic Associates.
September 2015 CFITrainer.Net Podcast - September '15 IAAI & CFITrainer Fire Investigator Podcasts. Our podcast related to the legalization of recreational marijuana and its effect on fire investigation was one of the most popular podcasts ever on CFITrainer.Net. This month’s podcast is a follow up with one of our listeners from California who is an investigator doing training on this very topic.
August 2015 CFITrainer.Net Podcast - August '15 IAAI & CFITrainer Fire Investigator Podcasts. This month's podcast is about NFIRS where we interview the Executive Director of The National Association of State Fire Marshals Fire Research and Education Foundation, Jim Narva.
July 2015 CFITrainer.Net Podcast - July '15 IAAI & CFITrainer Fire Investigator Podcasts. In this special edition of podcast we’re going to meet the newest IAAI Investigator of the Year, Andrea Buchanan.
May 2015 CFITrainer.Net Podcast - May '15 IAAI & CFITrainer Fire Investigator Podcasts. This month's Arson Investigator podcast from IAAI & CFITrainer interviews Jason McPherson from MSD Engineering to talk about some of these new technology tools.
April 2015 CFITrainer.Net Podcast - April '15 IAAI & CFITrainer Fire Investigator Podcasts. This month's Arson Investigator podcast from IAAI & CFITrainer interviews Dave Perry, a lawyer in Colorado discussing what fire chiefs, fire investigators, and the legal system are seeing in a state with legalized cannabis in regard to fire cause involving marijuana.
February 2015 CFITrainer.Net Podcast - Feb '15 IAAI & CFITrainer Fire Investigator Podcasts. This month's Arson Investigator podcast from IAAI & CFITrainer interviews Mike Schlatman and Steve Carman who are both successful fire investigators and now business owners who have transitioned from the public to the private sector.
December 2014 CFITrainer.Net Podcast - December '14 IAAI & CFITrainer Fire Investigator Podcasts. This month's podcast interviews Steve Avato from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives explaining the process of elimination and how it is a critical part of the scientific method.
June 2014 CFITrainer.Net Podcast - June '14 IAAI & CFITrainer Fire Investigator Podcasts. This month's podcast interviews the 2014 Investigator of the Year.
April 2014 CFITrainer.Net Podcast - April '14 IAAI & CFITrainer Fire Investigator Podcasts. This month's podcast interviews with Don Robinson, Special Agent in Charge with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. Currently stationed at the National Center for Explosives Training and Research, located at the Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville, Alabama.
January 2014 CFITrainer.Net Podcast - January '14 IAAI & CFITrainer Fire Investigator Podcasts. This month's podcast takes a look inside the process of revising NFPA 921 and NFPA 1033.
October 2013 CFITrainer.Net Podcast - October '13 IAAI & CFITrainer Fire Investigator Podcasts. This month's podcast focuses on the fire research work of Underwriters’ Laboratories, better known as UL.
February 2013 CFITrainer.Net Podcast - February '13 IAAI & CFITrainer Fire Investigator Podcasts. This month we have an interview with George Codding who returned from a recent trip to Saipan and gives us a closer look at the international activities of the International Association of Arson Investigators
Mid Year 2012 CFITrainer.Net Podcast - Mid Year '12 IAAI & CFITrainer Fire Investigator Podcasts. This podcast features a mid-year update on the IAAI’s new initiatives and ways for you to get more involved with the organization.
September 2012 CFITrainer.Net Podcast - September '12 IAAI & CFITrainer Fire Investigator Podcasts. This month's podcast features an in-depth look at the recent live-burn fire experiments exercise conducted on Governor’s Island, New York by the New York City Fire Department, the National Institute of Standards and Technology, Underwriters Laboratory, and the Trust for Governor’s Island.
August 2012 CFITrainer.Net Podcast - August '12 IAAI & CFITrainer Fire Investigator Podcasts. This is a special edition of the CFITrainer.Net podcast previewing the ITC 2013. There’s a new name for the Annual Training Conference from the IAAI now called the International Training conference.
March 2012 CFITrainer.Net Podcast - March '12 IAAI & CFITrainer Fire Investigator Podcasts. This month's podcast features an interview with ATF Special Agent Billy Malagassi out of the Tulsa, OK Field Office about investigating fires in clandestine drug labs. We also report on NIST’s findings in the Charleston Sofa Super Store fire and IAAI’s Evidence Collection Practicum.
December 2011 CFITrainer.Net Podcast - December '11 IAAI & CFITrainer Fire Investigator Podcasts. This month's podcast features one of the presenters from this year’s IAAI ATC and see how a single photo broke the Provo Tabernacle fire case.
October 2011 CFITrainer.Net Podcast - October '11 IAAI & CFITrainer Fire Investigator Podcasts. This month's podcast features an interview with Deborah Nietch, the new Executive Director of IAAI.
July 2011 CFITrainer.Net Podcast - July '11 IAAI & CFITrainer Fire Investigator Podcasts. This month's podcast features an interview with Tom Fee discussing details of investigating wildland fires.
June 2011 CFITrainer.Net Podcast - June '11 IAAI & CFITrainer Fire Investigator Podcasts. This month's podcast features a lot of exciting things that are happening at CFITrainer.Net
May 2011 CFITrainer.Net Podcast - May '11 IAAI & CFITrainer Fire Investigator Podcasts. This month highlights the IAAI ATC in Las Vegas and the third installment in the "It Could Happen to You" series.
ATC 2011 CFITrainer.Net Podcast - This podcast discusses the upcoming IAAI Annual Training Conference and National Arson Awareness Week.
April 2011 CFITrainer.Net Podcast - April '11 IAAI & CFITrainer Fire Investigator Podcasts. This podcast announces the release of the program, The First Responder’s Role in Fire Investigation, which teaches first responders how to make critical observations and take important scene preservation actions at a fire scene.
March 2011 CFITrainer.Net Podcast - March '11 IAAI & CFITrainer Fire Investigator Podcasts. This month’s podcast features some of the instructors from the upcoming 2011 Annual Training Conference, to provide a preview of the courses they will be presenting.
February 2011 CFITrainer.Net Podcast - February '11 IAAI & CFITrainer Fire Investigator Podcasts. This month’s podcast features an update on fire grants and an interview with Steve Austin
January 2011 CFITrainer.Net Podcast - January '11 IAAI & CFITrainer Fire Investigator Podcasts. This month’s podcast features the release of the new edition of Fire Investigator: Principles and Practice to NFPA 921 and 1033, new flammability requirements from UL for pre-lit artificial Christmas trees and a growing fire problem in Dubai with factories turned into worker dormitories.
December 2010 CFITrainer.Net Podcast - December '10 IAAI & CFITrainer Fire Investigator Podcasts. This month’s podcast focuses on home candle fires, lightning punctures in gas piping, and respiratory diseases in the fire services.
November 2010 CFITrainer.Net Podcast - November '10 IAAI & CFITrainer Fire Investigator Podcasts. This month’s podcast features research findings for structural stability in engineered lumber by UL, the ban on antifreeze in residential sprinkler systems, and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s investigation of Jeep Grand Cherokee fuel tanks.
October 2010 CFITrainer.Net Podcast - October '10 IAAI & CFITrainer Fire Investigator Podcasts. This month’s podcast features high-profile fire cases, why people leave stovetop cooking unattended and how new sensors under development may improve fire research.
September 2010 CFITrainer.Net Podcast - September '10 IAAI & CFITrainer Fire Investigator Podcasts. This month’s podcast features how to use the ATF’s Bomb Arson Tracking System, IAAI Foundation grants, electrical fires and indoor marijuana cultivation.
August 2010 CFITrainer.Net Podcast - August '10 IAAI & CFITrainer Fire Investigator Podcasts. This month’s podcast focuses on social media as a fire investigation tool, a potential problem with modular home glued ceilings and research from Underwriters Laboratories on the effects of ventilation on structure fires.
July 2010 CFITrainer.Net Podcast - July '10 IAAI & CFITrainer Fire Investigator Podcasts. This month’s podcast is a roundtable on some of the latest research and technical activities that impact fire investigation, featuring Daniel Madrzykowski (moderator), Steven Kerber, and Dr. Fred Mowrer.
June 2010 CFITrainer.Net Podcast - June '10 IAAI & CFITrainer Fire Investigator Podcasts. This month’s podcast discusses career advancement, budget cuts and their impact on fire investigation, and the 2010-2016 ATF Strategic Plan.
ATC 2010 CFITrainer.Net Podcast - Follow-up and Interviews from Orlando. Learn about the conference, hear what attendees had to say.
May 2010 CFITrainer.Net Podcast - May '10 IAAI & CFITrainer Fire Investigator Podcasts. The second in our safety series called "It Could Happen To You." Our Long-Term Exposure roundtable is moderated by Robert Schaal.
April 2010 CFITrainer.Net Podcast - April '10 IAAI & CFITrainer Fire Investigator Podcasts. The first of our two-part safety series called "It Could Happen To You." Our roundtable is moderated by Robert Schaal.
March 2010 CFITrainer.Net Podcast - March '10 IAAI & CFITrainer Fire Investigator Podcasts. This month’s podcast features a conversation about legislative affairs affecting the fire service with Bill Webb, Executive Director of the Congressional Fire Services Research Institute.
February 2010 CFITrainer.Net Podcast - February '10 IAAI & CFITrainer Fire Investigator Podcasts. This month’s podcast features our interview with a commercial kitchen’s fire expert about what you need to know when you work a commercial kitchen fire.
January 2010 CFITrainer.Net Podcast - January '10 IAAI & CFITrainer Fire Investigator Podcasts. This month’s podcast features a look at preliminary research on corrosion caused by Chinese drywall, a new database focused on fires in historic buildings, a warning on blown-in insulation, and the launch of the new web site.
December 2009 CFITrainer.Net Podcast - December '09 IAAI & CFITrainer Fire Investigator Podcasts. This month’s podcast features cooking fires, highlights of the International Code Council’s Annual Meeting on code requirements, including requiring residential sprinkler systems, and an easy way to keep up with recalls from the US Consumer Product Safety Commission.
November 2009 CFITrainer.Net Podcast - November '09 IAAI & CFITrainer Fire Investigator Podcasts. This month’s podcast features chimney fires, including recent news on surgical flash fires, a proposed national arsonist registry, lightning research and an innovation in personal protective equipment.
October 2009 CFITrainer.Net Podcast - October '09 IAAI & CFITrainer Fire Investigator Podcasts. This month’s podcast is devoted to Fire Prevention Week.
September 2009 CFITrainer.Net Podcast - September '09 IAAI & CFITrainer Fire Investigator Podcasts. This month’s podcast features the relationship between climate conditions and fire risk, new research on formulating fireproof walls and the latest in IAAI news.
August 2009 CFITrainer.Net Podcast - August '09 IAAI & CFITrainer Fire Investigator Podcasts. This month takes a look at the dangerous combination of summer heat and oily rags, the rise in vacant home fires, and preview research underway on Australia’s devastating "Black Saturday" brush fires.
July 2009 CFITrainer.Net Podcast - July '09 IAAI & CFITrainer Fire Investigator Podcasts. This month features a look at outdoor grill fires, a fatal fire at a homeless camp in Southern NJ, new NIST research on human behavior during building fires, and IAAI news.
June 2009 CFITrainer.Net Podcast - June '09 IAAI & CFITrainer Fire Investigator Podcasts. This month’s podcast features live reports from the 2009 IAAI Annual Training Conference held in May.
May 2009 CFITrainer.Net Podcast - May '09 IAAI & CFITrainer Fire Investigator Podcasts. This podcast is dedicated to National Arson Awareness Week.
April 2009 CFITrainer.Net Podcast - April '09 IAAI & CFITrainer Fire Investigator Podcasts. This month’s podcast features the NFPA 921 chapter on marine fire investigations and the myth and reality of static electricity as a source of ignition.
March 2009 CFITrainer.Net Podcast - March '09 IAAI & CFITrainer Fire Investigator Podcasts. This month focuses on the rise of the hybrid vehicle and what its unique engineering means for the investigation of vehicle fires, the rash of devastating arson fires in Coatesville, Pennsylvania from December 2008 to February 2009, and news from IAAI.
January 2009 CFITrainer.Net Podcast - January '09 IAAI & CFITrainer Fire Investigator Podcasts. This month’s podcast focuses on the deepening financial crisis in the US and arson for profit fires, how going green may pose a fire hazard and see how rope lighting may be a source of ignition, and IAAI’s Expert Witness Courtroom Testimony course.
December 2008 CFITrainer.Net Podcast - December '08 IAAI & CFITrainer Fire Investigator Podcasts. This month’s podcast features Christmas tree fires, changes to critical fire investigation publications, the weak economy’s impact on home fires, wind’s effect on structure fires, and ATC 2009.