Donning and Doffing Personal Protective Equipment
Credit Hours:
Approximate reading time:
0.5 Hours
Approximate online time:
0.5 Hours

Program Abstract
Personal protective equipment, including respiratory protection, must be worn at every fire scene. The PPE selected must be appropriate to the hazards of each scene. Proper PPE must be worn correctly and consistently to confer its designed protection. This module provides guidance on the use of personal protective equipment to mitigate hazards at the post-fire scene, focusing on respiratory protection, including how to properly don that protection and remove (doff) it to minimize exposure and contamination.
A video version of the lesson content in this module is available on the CFITrainer.Net Resources page. The video version is intended for classroom and group presentations. A certificate of completion with continuing education credit is available only for the module version.
CFITrainer.Net recommends that you review other safety modules, including:
- Fire Investigator Scene Safety (appropriate for all personnel who operate at post-fire scenes, not just fire investigators)
- Personal Protective Equipment for Post-Fire Scenes
- Site Safety Assessment
- Electrical Safety
For a full list of modules that include safety topics, please use the Available Programs filtering feature and select the Topic filter, then Safety.