New User Registration

BEFORE YOU SIGN UP FOR NEW ACCOUNT! Do you have an existing account? Have you lost your password? Please use your existing account, update your profile or reset your password from our lost password page. If you start a new account, you will not be able to access your previous records or you could be suspended from future usage of the network.

Contact Information

Preview Name

If you have multiple first names, type them both in the First Name field. If you wish a middle name or initial to be included, type it in the First Name field after your first name(s). If you have more than one last name, type them in the Last Name field the order in which you want them to appear. The First Name and Last Name entered here will appear as on your transcript and certificates, as well as on the Dashboard (for First Name). To preview how your name will appear, click Preview Name. If you make change to your name, click “Update” at the bottom of this form to save your changes.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Your certificate carries the name that was in your User Profile at the time you earned that certificate. If you make changes in the name fields, they will not appear on certificates you have already earned until you Refresh those programs. The changes will appear on certificates you earn going forward, both for initial passes and refresh passes.

*Zip Code*Postal CodePostal Code

Select up to seven Preferred Languages you communicate in and designate up to three of them as your Primary Languages. You must have at least one Primary Language designated. Select a language from the dropdown, then click Add Language. Once the language is added, click the checkbox next to it to designate that language as one of your three primary languages. When you are done adding languages, click Update at the bottom of the page to save your changes. The Preferred Languages field is demographic data only. Use the language flipper at the top of the page to change the language you see on CFITrainer.Net.

Professional Information

(Use the Ctrl key to select multiple items)
Only if your department is registered.

Other Certification Information

Other Certification Information

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