Fire Investigator Scene Safety

Credit Hours:  3
Approximate reading time: 0.5 Hours
Approximate online time: 1 Hour

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Disclaimer- NFPA and other resource editions cited within the CFITrainer.Net site were current as of the release of the respective modules. The field of fire investigation and its guiding documents are constantly evolving and it is incumbent upon the fire investigator to remain up to date with the guidance in the current editions of the documents referenced in all modules on CFITrainer.Net, regardless of which edition was used in the writing of the module.
Program Abstract

Regardless of the scientific and technological advances in fire and explosion investigation during the past several years, the successful investigation of fires and explosions still requires investigators to work in potentially hazardous environments that may result in personal injury, illness, and death. Many investigators have been diagnosed with disabling and debilitating injuries and chronic illnesses that surfaced days, months, and years after investigations were concluded. Although investigators typically begin their investigations into the origin and cause of fires and explosions after fire-suppression operations are completed, they face many of the same safety and health hazards that confront firefighters during fire suppression and overhaul operations. The evaluation of hazard information and the assessment of the relative risks associated with the investigation of fires and explosions are critical factors in the successful management of any investigation. This module provides a closer look at the many aspects of fire and explosion scene safety, including: industry regulations; recognizing physical, chemical, biological, and radiological hazards; hazard and risk assessment; personal protective clothing and equipment and respiratory protection. This module provides practical information that can be implemented by investigators at the scene to put “safety first.”

2023 Note: This module was updated in 2023. Additional safety modules are now available, including:

Important additional resources include:

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