This multi-program certificate allows fire officers and other interested parties to improve their fire investigation skills in eight core areas that are highly relevant to the initial origin and cause investigation. Persons who complete this certificate can also choose to complete optional concentrations in motor vehicle fires and youth-set fires to gain additional basic training in those specializations, which are common situations in fires that are assessed by fire officers. To complete each program required for the “Fire Investigation for Fire Officers” multi-program certificate, view all the sections of each required module, complete the required readings, and pass the Skills Challenge test. Once all modules have been completed, a downloadable certificate will become available in the User Console, on the user's Completed Programs page, and on the certificate's main page. The multi-program certificate, once completed, is also added to the transcript.
Fire Investigation for Fire Officers

Fire Investigation for Fire Officers
This module provides a road map for fire officers to integrate and navigate their fire investigation duty with all their other responsibilities and describes where to obtain specific training in fire investigation.

How First Responders Impact The Fire Investigation
This module teaches first responders, including fire, police and EMS, how to make critical observations.

The Scientific Method for Fire and Explosion Investigation
The basics of the scientific method are deceptively simple: observe, hypothesize, test, and conclude.

Fire Investigator Scene Safety
The evaluation of hazards and the assessment of the relative risks associated with the investigation of fires and explosions are critical factors in the management of any investigation.

Documenting the Event
This program provides a practical overview of how to perform the baseline documentation tasks that occur at every scene.

Fire Flow Analysis
This module explains fire flow path and discusses the effects of ventilation, fuel availability, and the modern fire environment on that flow path.

Physical Evidence at the Fire Scene
The program illustrates for the fire investigator, how non-traditional fire scene evidence can be helpful during an investigation.

Writing the Initial Origin and Cause Report
This module presents the key elements of the initial origin and cause report and methods of clearly presenting findings in a professional manner.
Concentration in Youth-Set Fires

Introduction to Youth-Set Fires
This program describes the scope of the youth-set fire problem, how fire investigation addresses it, and the fire investigator’s responsibilities in a youth-set fire case.

Legal Aspects of Investigating Youth-Set Fires
This module discusses the juvenile justice system, legalities of interviews and interrogations, arson statutes, search and seizure, and confidentiality.
Concentration in Motor Vehicle Fires

Investigating Motor Vehicle Fires
This program will introduce the fire investigator to the basic methodologies use to investigate vehicle fires.

Motor Vehicles: The Engine and the Ignition, Electrical, and Fuel Systems
This program covers the general anatomy of a motor vehicle and a description of typical components of the engine, electrical, ignition, and fuel systems.

Motor Vehicles: Transmission, Exhaust, Brake, and Accessory Systems
This program describes the function and major components of a motor vehicle’s transmission, exhaust, brake, and accessory systems.